Firstly, a clearly-defined and observed purpose – Allow everyone to share a precious moment. The Group was built around the desire to make jewellery accessible to the greatest possible number of customers while incorporating the very powerful emotional dimension linked to the act of purchasing jewellery, regardless of its price tag.
A long-term strategic vision: we believe in our brands. Year on year, we are building a group that drives strong brands. Thanks in particular to Histoire d’Or and Stroili, this goal and strategy have received recognition due to their weight and reputation in their respective markets.
An approach that puts people at the heart of our concerns and our business model. THOM is a group that is people-centred and founded on shared values (rigour, team spirit, simplicity, commitment, boldness) deeply rooted in its leadership model and daily practices. We ensure that all our employees recognise themselves in these values and bring them to life in their daily decisions, actions, and managerial behaviour.
2023 will go down as a landmark year for the Group in terms of its new social commitment. The Group already had a CSR approach, but it lacked structure and ambition. By devising and launching the WeTHOM sustainable development plan – an ambitious long-term plan (to 2028) – we have fast-tracked our transition towards a development model that respects people and the environment.
I am particularly pleased that WeTHOM’s first goal is dedicated to our employees and aims to ensure their well-being and help them fulfil their potential. For several years they have been the primary focus of our concerns. We founded THOM Academy, a benchmark corporate university that trained more than 17,000 people since 2012 and delivered more than 170,000 e-learning classes since 2019. We have given all our employees the opportunity to become Group shareholders. Today, more than 1,300 employees are now shareholders. And we are constantly trying to improve employee working conditions with for example, the WeThom@Work and WeThom@Stores projects.
We also set ourselves some very ambitious targets for 2023 in terms of the ethics and responsibility in our value chain, reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, preserving non-renewable resources, and making the jewellery market more circular.
What’s in store for 2024? Since 2018, we have been facing wide-scale social and political crises that seem to be becoming the norm. However, THOM is continuing to grow. Despite the uncertainties, I am confident that the Group can rely on its partners and its employees. If we hold true to our purpose, strategy and values, we will be able to continue on this incredible collective adventure.